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Are you tired of wasting money on Bright Shiny Objects that don’t bring you any results?

"How about a Bright Shiny Revenge?"

Get revenge over bad product creators only trying to rip you off

I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen for Bright Shiny Objects myself.

At least 200 times.

But slowly, way too slowly for the well-being of my bank account, I learned my lesson.

A lesson that thousands of other people haven’t understood yet.

And they are frustrated. Confused. And either broke or soon to be.

Are you among them?

Sadly, chances are that you’re just one of those so-called “Cash Cows” that feed unscrupulous marketers who keep flashing their Bright Shiny Objects in front of you like a red cloth.

Enough! It’s Time for Sweet Revenge
Britt Malka

Hi, Britt Malka here.

I was a Bright Shiny Object addict, just like you.

I fell for all the “what if THIS was the ONE” products I could find.

I wasted thousands of dollars and months of time on courses that didn’t work. That never were designed to work.

Their only purpose was to keep me dreaming and make marketers richer.

What is worse… I heard from subscribers who were even harder hit than I was. Their stories made me cry.

One person told me how he only had food left for one more week. I offered to help him by giving him a chance to create a product with me. That would almost certainly earn him money within a couple of weeks, hopefully less.

He thanked me but refused. He’d just discovered an ebook that would show him how to make $100 today. And it was only $17.

When I asked about it later, he hadn’t had any luck, but he’d just learned about another course that would change his life.

Watch Out! Those Aren’t Gems or Steppingstones

You may think that this next course, this one that promises how to earn you max $417.89 or more per day is a gem. A steppingstone.

It is not.

It’s a glossy, gold-painted stone that’s just as slippery on the surface as it looks.

You keep jumping, but sooner or later you’re going to slip and end up being in deep, dark, cold water up to over your head.

How Are You Supposed to Know Which Is Pyrite and Which Is Gold?

There are signs. But they are hidden.

Have you ever studied one of those Find the Hidden [something] in a picture?

At first, you stare and stare and don’t see it.

Then, suddenly it’s there. In clear sight.

You wonder why you didn’t spot it right away. But now you cannot un-see it, and you don’t understand why it’s not as obvious to other people.

That’s how it is once you learn to find out what is the real thing and what is just fake gold.

It took me way too long to figure out on my own, by the way.

And during that time, those Cash Cowboys kept snaring me with their lassos, because they KNEW that I wasn’t any different from other people.

  • They knew I had a dream…
  • They knew that I hated to lose out…
  • They knew that if they told me that their course was NEW and DIFFERENT then I would fall for it…

I actually grabbed the lasso with my own hands and pulled it over my head, ready for them to drag me into their barren fields.

Are You a Victim, Too?

Then perhaps, like me, you’re ready to get revenge.

It’s Payback Time…

And that means that in less than an hour from now, you could be the master of your own fate.

Are you ready to learn about the signs that give away a Cash Cowboy?

Are you ready to find out which products you should invest in and which would be a waste of time and money?

More importantly: Are you ready to start making money from those who previously exploited you in cold blood?


Bright Shiny Revenge
Val Wilson

Val Wilson

Britt very kindly gave me review access to ‘Bright Shiny Revenge’. This is a great report where Britt really gets to the nub of one of the biggest problem most new marketers have – lack of focus and the constant distraction of ‘bright shiny objects’. But much more than that, she sets out a clear step by step plan to get you off the buying treadmill, to stop spending money, and to start making money instead.

And like all Britt’s products, it’s written in a really clear, enjoyable style. I’ve been doing this internet marketing thing for years, but I still got new insights from ‘Bright Shiny Revenge’ and am going to use some of the strategies included myself.

No matter what level you are at, if you follow the steps in this guide, you will both spend less and make more. Highly Recommended!

This Is What You’ll Find Inside:

Two ways to make money thanks to what you’ll learn inside this book.

Two ways to save money. You can start doing this immediately after you’ve read the book.
But Bright Shiny Revenge Is Much More

Why junk products cost you money, time, and even ruin it for you in a completely unexpected way. (Page 4)

Why you should avoid the “fools gold” products and only buy true gold, and it’s not just about the price. (Page 13)

My three-step exercise you should do every three months to make sure you keep at the right path. (Page 14)

The exact method I use to analyze sales pages to avoid getting scammed. This tip alone will save you thousands of dollars and weeks of wasted time. (Page 18)

Why you must dig deeper and go behind the curtain when you check out a product–and how to do it. (Page 19)

The three points a product must pass before you should even think of buying. (Page 28)

What Bright Shiny Object (BSO) producers definitely don’t want you to know. (Page 30)

The first thing you should do to make sure you’ll get your revenge. (Page 31)

All the exact steps you should take the next time you buy a product or a course. (Page 32)

My personal template that will make it much easier for you to make money with your BSO. (Page 36)

Why “rinse and repeat” may not be the best option for your situation. (Page 37)

Step-by-step what you need to do now. (Page 42)

Alessandro Zamboni

Alessandro Zamboni

I’ve got a review copy by Britt Malka, and I read it all in one session. I’ve to say this is a very interesting ebook, that everyone doing online marketing should read.

On the inside you will find how to kill shiny objects syndrome, and stop spending money in trash products and courses, and turn that into moneymaking.

Yes, you heard right. You will learn how to turn all the products you bought without thinking into money. A gem like a few.

So before you run to buy the usual rubbish there is out there, grab this one instead, and become an informed customer making money from his choices.


Is Bright Shiny Revenge for You?

It is for you, if you’re tired of being a cash cow, delivering milk to somebody else’s table.

It’s for you, if you don’t know what advice to follow from all the courses you have.

It’s for you, if you’re on the edge, about to go broke because of all the BSO products you’ve wasted money on.

This product is NOT the last product you’ll ever need… but it makes you able to pick the good products in the future while making money and getting your well-earned revenge.

Click below to get Bright Shiny Revenge for only $21.96

Get Bright Shiny Revenge right now and start getting even with those serial product creators who only care about their own profits!

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PS If you have questions or doubts about if this course can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

PPS Stop wasting money on useless courses and software. Stop being a cash cow. It’s about time you get your Bright Shiny Revenge. You could start to get even today.

Suzanne Sukhram-Farmer

Suzanne Sukhram-Farmer

It’s really important to know how to determine a good product from a shoddy, B.S. product. Britt Malka has put out a great guide full of tips, and detailing qualities you need to look for before buying.
I read her guide right as I was vacillating between getting a product and not getting it. I used the steps Britt laid out in her guide, and it gave me the answer my gut had given me days before, and saved me from entering a sales funnel I had no business entering.

Because of the nature of this product, all sales are final.

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